Course Catalogue

Site management environmental training scheme

£ 149.00

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Currently in Review - Not available for purchase. 

The Site management environmental training scheme eCourse is aimed at site managers and aspiring site managers who are looking to improve their overall knowledge of environmental management and legislation as it applies to UK construction sites.

Take the first step to enhance your skills and safety expertise with the Site Management Safety Training Scheme, designed to equip you for effective site management.


What is the SMETS course? 

Our exclusive eCourse, the Site Management Environmental Training Scheme, is specifically tailored for site managers and aspiring professionals in the field. Expand your understanding of environmental management and legislation within the context of UK construction sites.

This course, sometimes referred to as CITB site management safety training scheme, will prepare you for managing the environmental aspects of a construction site by helping you put into practice your legal, moral and social responsibilities.


When you buy the eCourse you get access to

  • The interactive online course material
  • An online version of the Construction site safety- Environment (GE700 ES) publication
  • An online end of course examination


Site management safety training scheme: Who is it for?

  • Site managers and supervisors who are looking to improve their overall knowledge of environmental management and legislation as it applies to UK construction sites.
  • You need to be able to read and understand English to a good standard.
  • Please note that additional support such as voiceovers are not available for the SMETS OnVUE exam.
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